KY Master Naturalist Volunteer Program
KY Master Naturalist Volunteer Program

Kentucky Master Naturalist Agent Training and Certificate Program

Kentucky Master Naturalist Agent Training and Certificate Program

Kentucky Master Naturalist Agent Training and Certificate Program

Are you and your stakeholders interested in learning more about the natural world? If so, the Kentucky Master Naturalist program may be a good fit! This new statewide program, led by UK Cooperative Extension, seeks to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to advance education, research, and outreach efforts dedicated to the conservation and management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.

The program has been piloted in Jefferson and Fayette counties and now we would like to roll it out state-wide, making the curriculum and content available for you to support your programing and the creation of local chapters and volunteer cohorts. To facilitate this, we will be offering an agent in-service training and certificate program over Zoom this spring.

Each individual session of this series is open to any agent/ associate for CEUs. Participation in 15 classes will earn you certification as a Kentucky Master Naturalist and a certificate within CES that will add toward your career ladder. The webcast classes will be live and interactive, covering core content related to the KY Master Naturalist Program with new speakers each week. Each class will be recorded and available for those who can’t join live.